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Moto- Guiding entrepreneurs through regulatory trials for Bizlife expansion

Will Your Business Survive Your Age?

Here’s the fact: Every business has a cycle, similar to a journey from birth to old age. But guess what?
Entrepreneurs can actually change how long their business lives.

Now, here’s the key point: Due to rapid technological changes, all businesses are getting younger by the day! Want to know how to ensure your business stays resilient?

Are you eager to know which phase your business is in? And want to gain insight into the optimal corrective measures, and discover the best direction to secure your lasting success?

Join us and discover the secrets to business survival!



Speaker Spotlight

Kamall Ahuja

Kamall Ahuja is a Bizlife expert and the visionary behind Lawmax Management Consultants Pvt Ltd. With an impressive track record spanning more than 23 years in the business regulatory framework, Mr. Ahuja brings an extensive wealth of experience to the table, adeptly navigating the intricate business landscape. He possesses hands-on experience, having collaborated with diverse professionals on a range of corporate reorganization projects. This experience equips him with the capability and capacity to develop valuable strategies for business reorganization and growth.

The heart of his mission is a commitment to educate business owners about the strategies of business regulatory framework that business owners can adopt to triumph over the harsh challenges of a shrinking business lifecycle. He believes that knowledge is power, and by fostering awareness, he aims to equip entrepreneurs with the tools and insights needed to navigate these challenging times.

Key Takeaways from the Webinar:

Significance of Undertaking a BizLife Evaluation
Evaluating Your Business's Current phase and Analyzing Its bizLifespan
How Regulatory Framework Facilitates the Creation of a long-term sustainable Business

Did you know ?

That while human lifespans are increasing, the age of businesses is actually shrinking?

Here’s something interesting to ponder: People are living longer lives, but businesses are facing new challenges. There’s a fascinating story behind this, and we’re going to uncover it during our upcoming webinar. It’s a discovery that might change the way you think about your business.

Join us to learn how to make your business thrive in today’s changing world.
Register now to satisfy your curiosity!

Agenda and Topics

Clients feedback

If your business has grown in the past but is now unable to grow at the same pace or is making losses, then you need to recreate your business strategy.

Registration Form

Don’t Worry!

Q&A Session: There will be a dedicated Q&A session towards the end of the webinar. You can ask questions related to the topic, and our presenter(s) will do their best to address them

Feedback: After the webinar, you will receive a feedback survey via email. Your input is valuable to us, and we appreciate your time in providing feedback to help us improve our future webinars.

We look forward to having you at our webinar. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team at

Join us and discover the secrets to business survival!

